"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Call

God’s call for Tonya and me to serve on the mission field began over 12 years ago.  I had answered a call to full time Christian ministry about ten years ago, and was commissioned by Millbrook Baptist Church to begin work in the ministry.  We had a close network of friends that "Experienced God" and asked God to use us where He was at work.  God has done some amazing things within this core group and has literally sent us all over the globe. But I had no peace about opportunities that came my way. Job responsibilities led me to Sumter a little over five years ago. Tonya and I plugged right in and began to serve at Alice Drive Baptist Church. I have served as a deacon, a Bible Community Teacher, a member of the music ministry, and a leader in children’s ministry. Tonya has also served extensively coordinating VBS experiences and, most recently, stepping up to serve as interim Children’s Pastor at ADBC.

I have journeyed to Botswana in 2008 and 2009 to help build a church in Old Neladi and reach out to the children and church there. During these trips, I struggled over His call for me, and was wondering what God had in store. Two things were becoming very clear to me: God seemed to working most clearly in churches that had a strong ministry to children; and there was no full time children’s minister in the entire country of Botswana.  So many faces of children affected by HIV/AIDS.  Happy children because there was food and a place to play.  Healthy children because Botswana provides them with antivirals.  Dangerous children because they can spread a disease that can ravage a nation if they continue living the same life style as their elders.  Lost children because they need to know Jesus as a savior from this destruction.  There has been alot of effort into church planting but very little for children outreach.  I saw a video from the second President,  Quett Ketumile Joni Masire where he stated, "the success of any cattleman's ranch is in the calves.  The future of Botswana is in the children."

On my last full day in Botswana in 2009, Norman Schaffer, pastor of Open Baptist Church in the capitol of Gabarone (which partners with, Old Naledi Baptist Fellowship), shared he sensed God calling me and my family to come and serve the children of Botswana.

The moment Norman laid out this possibility, I had a strong sense and awareness that this was from God. We began to talk and pray.  I brought Tonya and the children into the conversation. It seemed like all signs were pointing that this was a call to explore.  On the plane trip home from Botswana to Johannesburg, who would be on the plane but Sir Quett Ketumile Joni Masire himself. He was seated very close to me on the plane. I spoke to Sir Masire and told him what we were doing.  He personally thanked me for helping the children of Botswana.  I knew then that God was going out of His way to make it clear ~ This was His plan for me.

Tonya and I made an exploratory trip to Botswana to further explore this call. We met people whose lives have impacted by the missionary outreach in Botswana.  We got to stand in the very place David Livingston started his church in Botswana.  His prayers, over 100 years later are getting answered.  We got to experience many different cultures and people groups while on this trip.  I saw rain for the first time.  I could see before my eyes how God is at work in Botswana.  A place of no political unrest, a place where you can go into the schools and preach the Gospels, a place where there is a thirst for His Word and most of all a place where there is hope.

The specifics became clearer and God affirmed His call to us. We will work with an initiative called The Botswana School Outreach, which goes to schools in Botswana to teach abstinence and to share to the gospel. The leader of this ministry will be leaving May 2010 because of health concerns and had been praying for someone to take over this ministry at the same time I sensed God's calling.  We will also train children’s workers throughout the country, working specifically with Open Baptist Church’s mission points. In short, we will be champions for children’s ministry in a country of 1.8 million people.

Tonya and I are humbled that God would choose us, broken vessels, to be part of His work.  I have no training other than raising children, leading teams and being a manager.  But we know this is God's plan for us and we have answered His call.  We ask all of our friends and family who are reading this blog to pray about partnering with us in this ministry. Pray for our family! Pray for us as we reach out to a country of 1.8 million people who need to take their next step toward Jesus! Pray how God would have you support this ministry financially. We are going as faith based missionaries - trusting God to work through His people to provide the money necessary to live and do ministry.  Pray how you can be part of helping save a nation ravished by the affects of HIV/AIDS. About 35% of Botswana’s population is made up of children from birth to 15 years of age. About 30% of these children are HIV positive.

If you are interested in giving to this ministry and being a champion with us you can send your gift to the address below.

Alice Drive Baptist Church
1305 Loring Mill Rd
Sumter, SC 29150
for:  Children's Missionaries to Botswana

1 comment:

  1. Hey y'all! This is so awesome! We'd love to partner with you in the Lord's work in Botswana!

    Tom and Laura Temple
