"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Monday, January 23, 2012

Home Again

Today our Suburban made it home to Gaborone after it broke down in Francistown on October 8th last year. The fuel pump failed after we drove to lead a training session in the northern part of Botswana 5 hours from home. The journey from this point on, has been amazing for me to watch and confirms so much how God is so at work around us.

First day, we met a pastor, Darren, who was an auto mechanic who agreed to fix it for us. A pastor friend of his helped us in a motel where we received a much needed night's rest and meal. The day we left Francistown, I prayed with Darren after he shared his testimony how he felt called to be a missionary pastor in Zambia to encourage and equip pastors in remote areas but that door had not opened for him yet. He was waiting faithfully knowing God was going send him but it was 4 years and nothing had happened. We prayed God will open this door and give him the opportunity to serve him in Zambia.

5 days later, a team picked up the repaired Suburban to return it to us and it broke down again an hour away from Francistown. A pastor from the US was with the team and lead a man to the Lord who just got of a bus where it broke down. The man had shared that he prayed that someone would share Jesus with him. It gets even more amazing as a local pastor there from Brazil was a friend of on the team members and he helped the team load all the contents in my Suburban in at his house. The man who just received Christ lived just down the road from the pastor's church. This man also had prayed for a church to attend. I communicated with the Brazilian pastor and introduced our ministry to him. He was beside himself. He has been praying for months to meet someone who could help reach the children in their village. Their church was growing in numbers from children and they did not know how reach or work with them. We will be scheduling training with them this year. Jehovah Jireh was at work way before my car broke down.

We decided to send a part from the US to replace the pump Darren felt would work. 30 days later, the part never made it to Darren. It was somewhere in Botswana but not at the final destination. I find out from Darren also at this time he got a phone call there was opportunity to move to Zambia. After all this time, he had a chance to do what he was called to do. He went to Zambia to see if the call was going to fulfilled. He sent me a note and said he was going to leave for Zambia as soon as he could close things out in Francistown.

We brought back another fuel pump from the states. Praise God the folks at Advance Auto in Aiken heard my story and sold me another one at cost. I spoke with Darren that we had returned and began to laugh. He told me since we met and prayed, his business had been the best it had ever been since he started it. Then he got the call to Zambia. He has faced road block after road block that would prevent him from going. He still faithfully moved forward to sell his business and begin fulfilling his calling. Road blocks fell and another would rise up. He sold his business and he is ready to go into the mission field into Zambia on February 1st. Jehovah Shalom helped Darren through these chaotic days.

I had the part delivered to Darren who installed it and confirmed it was ready to pickup. I was working on how to get me up to Francistown when Darren called and said he had to take some medical tests in Gaborone and would drive it to me. Wow, how amazing to have it delivered to me. We have it back and driving around Gaborone today. Darren is on his way back and ready to start his ministry February 1st.

I love God with all my heart, mind and body. His ways are far better than mine. His timing is more perfect that mine. His work is more amazing than anything I could organize. I say, go God! Thank you for letting me be part of a great work. Thank you for confirming in me my trust in you in everything.

Love, Scott

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