"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back In Botswana

We made it back to Botswana without a hitch other than having a hole in our hearts and home. We are missing our 6'4", 17 year old son. His was always making noise and making his presence known around our house. It is a good bit quieter here - if you can believe that. Hunter was part of the "step of faith" journey here and now there is a missing piece. Also, we have a greater realization how much we miss our time with our daughter Makenzie and her husband Tyler. We enjoyed being part of their lives for the month we were home and now are missing that again - not so nice. While in the States we shared times of tears and cheers and back to tears again but we would not trade any of it. Going home was harder this time because we see and understand more of what this commitment to "go" means to our family and the sacrifices it requires everyone to make. The older children have a hard time with the goodbyes because you are not suppose to say goodbye to family so many times in your life. We are also struggling with all of the separations that have come to the family sooner than they are normally experienced. It hurts to watch our kids suffer, hurt and desire for something we can not provide for them. Please continue to pray for Makenzie, Tyler, Hunter, Chandler, Parker, Joseph and Joshua.

Life before "the call" was different and fun for the family. School, church, work and friends kept it busy, interesting and comfortable ... for most of us. Life for me was not comfortable or joyful. I think back to the days and nights I yearned for my life to be something different. I knew God had a call on my life but had no idea what "it" was. I went through the motions of living "the American Dream". Then Botswana changed my life. I saw how God was at work there and knew that was where He wanted me to be. Light shined in a place where darkness and uncertainty had filled my thoughts. I was so certain of His call on my life and knew what He was expecting of me. I have to admit I have been disobedient to lots of things He has asked of me but this time I really feared telling God no, more than facing the issues that saying yes would present. Tonya also knew this was His plan for us so we answered His call and went.

Our tents and borders have certainly expanded. We have touched so many places and made an impact for the Kingdom. I am taken aback that God can use a country boy from Williston, SC living in Sumter, SC to do amazing things for Him here in Botswana and beyond. Watching children's leaders, that have been touched by our ministry, have a thirst and desire to grow is only a God thing. This is God's ministry fueled by our obedience to go and fed by your obedience to pray and support it. We could not have gone if we were not sent by folks like you who have connected with us one way or another and who are obedient to support. I am grateful for Alice Drive Baptist Church's support and following the vision when this all started. Without them beside us, it would have been difficult or near impossible to take the steps we have taken this far. We are grateful for their continued support and commitment to us and the ministry. Now we have Millbrook Baptist Church, Aiken, SC alongside us as a strategic partner. This is going to be awesome watching them grow as they connect to the children of Africa. 2012 looks to be a promising and exciting year for us in the ministry here. We have a number of conferences and training sessions planned for this year. God is showing us why we are here and the field is white for harvest.

Today, my thoughts and prayer time takes me to the Israelites leaving Egypt, wandering in the desert, remembering Egypt and hoping for the promise land. Egypt was all they knew but not where God had planned for them to be. It was not the best situation but they got through it. I can relate them right now. This transformation process tears us at the core of our hearts. It seems long and can leave us longing for what is left behind and questioning the road ahead. Holding on to hope and not sure exactly what it will look like when you get there but holding on because it is God's plan, not ours. The rewards along this journey are what keeps us going. Commitments, life changes, opportunities and connections we would never have made doing what we were doing before.

We know God chose our family and we trust Him to grow us and help us know Him more through all of this. We are in awe that He trusts us to work here. We are praying we see how our children learn, through the pain, of how awesome God is in this world. We love all of you for your kindness, support, encouragement and for taking the time to read our blog and pray for our family.


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