"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Joy off the Island in Gaborone

I had to post update for all who sent me messages of encouragement and prayers. Since Sunday, my mind has been so clear of myself and focused on being joyful about who and what God has placed in my life. I began to understand what "Culture Shock"is to travelers. It is not seeing "they have no shoes" or "they eat one meal a day". The shock is I have made a commitment to live my life differently in a different country for the glory of God and not my own comfort and it is emotionally and spiritually demanding. Tonya talked about that a while back. Deep down, my thoughts and heart want me to be comfortable how I would like the world to be around us. Christ tells us this can not happen. As long as we are in the world we will be rejected and mistreated. This is how the world treated Him. Why would it treat us any differently? It will not and will never treat us the way we think we should be treated. The works to its benefit and glory and nothing else.

I read "My Utmost for His Highest" (thank you Millbrook Baptist Choir) daily yesterday and became so overwhelmed with this thought. "Jesus does not tell us all we need to know all at once." He reveals things to us as we experience them so we can understand them at that given time. It is slow work, so slow that it takes God all time and eternity to make a man and woman after His own purpose. The only way we can be of use to God is to let Him take us through the crooks and crannies of our own characters, warts and all. My character is flawed and ignorant thinking my experiences are about me! Jesus reveals that this body has been harboring load of junk long before His grace began to work in me 13 years ago. I never really had the courage to get real, look inside and see what was going on in there. I saw a lot of me and my feelings and little of the love of Jesus.

I never understood conceit was stealing my joy. God understood this and needed me to see it. Why was I thinking I was more worthy of someone else just because I am an American missionary answering God's call? God will keep sending what ever my way until He gets me alone to understand His plan. Until I look inforward at my flawed and ignorant ways, there is an element of pride or conceit. Joy as God designed me to experience can not be understand. He can take me through the disappointment of wounded pride of intellect, through disappointment of heart. It there He will reveal His inordinate affection.

"My primary purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever". It is my true calling and why I was created. Everyone was created to serve and give praise to our creator and perfecter of our faith through our words, thoughts and actions. When I do this, I can experience the presence of God as my heavenly Father and live in a joyful, intimate relationship with Him and His children. All His children He created, not just the Christians. My conceit prevented me from relating to His children. Understanding no man is an island unto himself in God's plan.

Thanks for your prayers and support. Praise, our boys started school this week and it has gone well so far. Just 2 days but a good 2 days. Noticed things that would normally drive me crazy are good and laughing because God is dealing with them and not me. It is nice.

Pray for our new visitors for a few weeks, Megan Lyons and Kaitlin Watkins. Dealing with lost luggage and delayed flights. Sharing joy with them!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Scott for being "real" on this blog and sharing your heart and thoughts with all of us. As I read this...I heard God speak DIRECTLY to me through YOUR words, so praise be to GOD! I give HIM all the glory and honor in this. I SO NEEDED to read this at this precise moment today. You have NO idea! It was a blessing hearing HIM speak to me this WAY...THIS MORNING! Thank you again. Miss you guys very much!

    With love to you all,
    Kim Wright
    Sumter, SC
