"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Fruits

I wanted to blog today to express my gratitude for what God has done. We shared in November that we were leading our first leader training session at Naledi Baptist Fellowship. We had 5 weeks of 2 hours training sessions. During training we were able to share with the group the importance of prayer, planning, preparation and passion. We helped the leaders define their mission for their Children's ministry and introduced them to a new curriculum (They didn't have any curriculum prior to this). They were very excited about the encouragement, our investement into them and the new Bible lessons.

Scott and I have been back the NBF to check on their progress and to see if we could help coach or encourage them in their efforts to establish and improve their Children's Ministry. We have spent the last 2 Sundays in Old Naledi observing and are excited and grateful for what God has accomplished. It is exciting to see the leaders take what we have taught and watch them put it into action. This is what God called me and Scott to Botswana to do. To establish sustainable Children's ministry by training and equipping Children's Leaders. To see it in actions is one of those times that make me say, "Go God"!!!

Here are a few pictures from the Sunday School at Naledi Baptist Fellowship

Please continue to pray for NBF's Children's Ministry. Pray that God would continue to raise up leaders with a heart for Children. Please pray for us as we seek to reach out to other churches. Pray that God would lead us exactly where He wants us to serve. Please pray that we would find a way to have Bible lessons translated into Setswana so it would be available for all Children's leaders.

We thank God for all of you and are grateful for your love, prayers, and support. ~ Tonya

1 comment:

  1. Tell my friends in Old Naledi Mareko says "Dumelang"!!!

    God is working through the Shipes family and God is good all the time.
