"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We had our first training with the OBC Children's Sunday School team this weekend. 43 teachers were there, including 9 from a church member's preschool. In the training there were 6 people who were not leaders or teachers just considering working in children's ministry. OBC has a very successful children's program for Sunday morning. They reach 200 children and have about 30 in the toddler class every Sunday.

The "win" for the training was to equip the teachers with leadership thinking. The focus was PATH leadership developing the passion, attitude, teamwork and honor for the teaching team. The start of the training first involved asking what and why they did the work they do. Majority was the patent answer from all over the world, "the pastor asked me". As we worked most of the morning the group focused on more about why they were there as individuals who are working as team working for God. It is always a joy watching the facial expressions and conversations change as they learn more about themselves and how they impact the ministry. So many shared the need to be encouraged and loved to fill like they were getting their cups filled in order to continue to pour out to the children. When we finished the day all 6 who were not sure what they were going to do in the ministry have a desire to be part of a fantastic part of God's work. We will be doing continual training with the OBC team every term for 2012.

On Monday, I had my last training for the year at Believers Destiny Academy. Working with them has been a wow God moment. I have worked with 49 teachers for the past 3 weeks every Monday. The work has been a blessing to me and to them. This is the school where we started in a 110 degree tent talking about passion, attitude, teamwork and honor. What a way to start. In 3 weeks we have taught about leadership, personality, mission, vision and values. Their thirst for more is incredible. For the first time, they see the connection on what and how they teach children is guided by the focus of the schools mission, vision and values. They are aware of the importance of continued coaching and training. The school is willing to provide for them. When asked what did they learn, over and over they commented it was encouraging for them changed the way they thinking about teaching and reaching children. They want further training and we have agree starting in February we will continue to provide leadership & discipleship to reach the children in their school.

Destiny Believers Academy already has 100 children in their bible club that meets every Saturday. The club is designed to be a children's church for the area. This has been by word of mouth only. They will start in January advertising after their December Bible School that is expected to have 400+ children. We have trained them on curriculum and how to engage the children with story telling methods and how to connect with the children using games and activities. Once this is successful, they will introduce the same method to 3 other school locations to begin children based churches. What joy it will be to see children worshipping in Botswana at a church where they are the focus.

Please keep both of these ministries in your prays as they seek to reach Children for Christ!

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