"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

With Thankful Hearts

Hard to believe it's almost been a month since we last posted. Let me start by saying Thank YOU for praying and Thank you GOD for answering!! So many things are happening and we definitely feel and appreciate your prayers.

A week ago Scott was able to return to Gakuto to the Saturday children's program the pastor started after the Millbrook Team served there in June. He was so blessed to see 73 kids there playing, praising, and studying God's Word. He was happy to see that someone in the community had donated cookies and drinks for the kids. Gakuto Baptist continues to have over 100 in attendance on Sunday mornings for worship. We thank God for this and for the eternal investment that Millbrook Baptist Church made and continues to make in that community. We are also extremely encouraged to see the church step up on their own to try to raise funds for repairs to their outdoor toilets and to have money for some youth activities. Seeing a church becoming a producer instead of only being a consumer is a big deal and a huge "next step".

This past weekend Scott and I were invited (from the Pastor's Conference in August) to lead a Children's Sunday School training at AFM (Apostolic Faith Mission). We were told to expect around 17 people. There were 27 leaders there, half of which were brand new. Praising God for rising up leaders to reach and teach the next generation and for encouraging and equipping those who faithfully serve already. At the end of the day they asked the new people who felt ready to step up and help out and everyone raised their hands. Go God!!

On Sunday we were invited to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. They were celebrating Children's Day. We were blessed to see all of the kids sing, present memory verses, and do skits of Bible Stories. The highlight for us was the message from the pastor who spoke on the importance of Children's Ministry. God once again affirmed our call to train and disciple leaders for Children.

We are in the final days of planning and preparations for our trip to Masunga next week. We will lead a 3 day Children's Ministry Conference. We are thankful for God's provision of help with our kids. Vivian, Kez and Mercy will be staying with the boys, taking them to and from school, cooking and "holding down the fort". An answered prayer for sure!!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude when I share what God is doing in the Bible Study in Gakuto. We have just finished up our first study called "Your life in Christ" by Campus Crusade for Christ. This week are starting a new study by LifeWay called "10 lies about God ~ and the truths that shatter them". I have a hard time putting into words what transpires during our meetings other saying the Holy Spirit is present and active. I am thankful for their sharing from the heart and for the way we are being bound together as sisters in Christ. This week the kids that go to the government schools are not in session so I invited the ladies to our house for a time of fellowship. They still have to work even if the kids aren't there but they thought they could get special permission to leave to come to my house for a meeting. I checked with all of them yesterday and they all said they were coming. When they arrived today they shared with me that they had to take a day of leave in order to come but they were so happy to get to come it was worth it to them. We had an awesome time of sharing, eating, praying, singing, and praising some more. This photo was taken today!

We are thankful for answered prayers regarding Hunter. In January he will return to Sumter, SC to live with our dear friends Mark & Karla Hafner. He will go back to Sumter High School for his last semester where he will get to take 4 college courses and do an internship at Alice Drive Baptist Church. He is thrilled to get to return to his youth group and get a chance to serve with them before he starts college next fall. We are so grateful for the way God worked this out and we give Him the Glory. As hard as it will be to leave another child 8000+ miles away we know with complete confidence and peace this is His will and provision for Hunter. Did you catch that I said leave another child? That's right we are coming home for the holidays!! We are thankful to get this opportunity to be with friends, family, and all of our kids for Christmas. We will return to Botswana on January 10th and ramp up for a new year of ministry.

Please continue to pray. Pray for the church of Gakuto and for Pastor Adam as he serves there. Pray that God would bless their fund raising efforts and that repairs and ministry expenses would be provided. Also, pray for the conference in Masunga to be fruitful and that many new leaders will find a passion to serve the Children of Botswana. Pray for our boys and their caregivers to have a safe and uneventful week. Pray for the new Bible Study I am starting with my friends in Gakuto. Pray that God would continue to reveal Himself in a real and mighty way. Pray that any lies that might be believed about God would be shattered. Pray that He would continue to bind our hearts together as trustworthy friends and sisters in Christ. Continue to pray for Hunter and our whole family as face yet another transition. Please pray for the Hafner family as they prepare to be parents to a teenage son - after all these years of only daughters. Please continue to pray for our wisdom and discernment in our future ministry plans. Scott is meeting with the Dutch Reformed Church tomorrow about the possibility of leading training for them. Our hearts desire is to be where He wants us to be. Join us in praising Him for all He has done and is continuing to do in Botswana. We love you all. ~ Tonya

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