I have never been so happy to see my sister, Felicia, than when she got off the airplane in Botswana. After having to cancel her plans to come last year due to her fight with Lymphoma, she and I kept our hearts guarded til the last minute about her ability to come this year. From the moment she got off the plane and until she got back on, the time we had together was no less than extraordinary. Although we didn't go anywhere special or do anything out of the ordinary just being together was awesome. I'm so thankful that she got to come taste, see, and experience life with me in Botswana. When she left, 20 days later, she told me it was better than she could have ever dreamed.
The week after Felicia arrived our Dear family friends, the Keelty's arrived. It was such a blessing to have them here. This family has been a huge part of our ministry from the very beginning. I remember very early on in the process of coming to Botswana wondering how God would make everything happen to get us here. About that time the Keelty's came for a visit in Sumter and left us with a gift that God had laid on their hearts to give. He used them to affirm His call and take away the doubts and questions we were having. To have them in Botswana almost 3 years later to see what God is doing here and to experience it first hand was an incredible blessing.
Two days after the Keelty's arrived the mission team from Millbrook Baptist Church arrived. To say I love that team is an understatement. The team consisted of 8 people (Felicia made 9 + 5 Keelty's = 14) - 6 of which had been on the team last year. The team were all people we know and love so it felt like a big family reunion.
We began our week of Kid's Camp (VBS) in Gakuto on Wednesday afternoon with a whopping 367 kids. Last year the number was 311 so we were all in shock at the increase - the craft team did a great job of coming up with more supplies to cover the surplus of children. The camp ran through Saturday with lots of fun, music, food, games, crafts and some "Sweet" Bible Lessons. The theme for the week was "GRACE" - getting something great that you don't deserve. It was incredible to see the children grasp the concept of grace by getting sweet things like cupcakes and candies that they didn't really win or deserve. To watch the team explain to them that the greatest and sweetest gift of all is Jesus Christ was amazing. The story of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son explained the need for everyone needing to be rescued and how much celebration there is when even one is found.
We finished the week on Sunday morning, worshipping with the kids and adults at Gakuto Baptist. Saying goodbye to the kids is never easy and this time was no exception. The pastor told us that the kids had been counting down the days for the Millbrook team to arrive and they would be counting down the months until they would return. The church shared that this team coming was the best thing that happens to them all year and they were very grateful for the investment into lives of the children. We cannot express how grateful we are for the impact Millbrook has had on Gakuto. To quote Scott, "Millbrook has made an impact in Africa, in a country called Botswana, in a village called Gakuto and in 387 children's lives. Grace was given to the least of these." To God be the Glory!!!
Not only did we serve together in Gakuto but we had church together every night at our house. What a sweet time of fellowship we shared as everyone recalled the events of the day and talked of what God was teaching them and how they felt about all of it. Closing every night with a circle of prayer - so much refreshment to our "desert dry" souls. It was during one of these precious times together that both Chandler and Parker shared from their hearts that they understand why we are in Botswana. After seeing them struggle so many days here it was a relief to see them both come to an understanding of God's will, not only in their parent's lives but in their lives as well. Praise be to God for answering our prayers.
Saying good-bye is the hardest thing we do - we love the hellos but we hate the good-byes. We took Felicia and the Millbrook Team to the airport early Monday morning and said all of our emotional goodbyes.
We were very thankful that Keelty's had another week and we were headed on vacation. We packed up and headed north to Kasane for a whirlwind safari. Our vacation started with "Grace - getting something great we didn't deserve". So like our Awesome God to arrange a "sweet treat" for us. The hotel we booked was being renovated so they moved us to a "bush camp". We stayed in luxury tents on stilts complete with our own chef and lighted water hole where the animals came to drink. We had a blast on a sunset cruise of the Chobe river. We experienced Victoria Falls at it's fullest- a breathtaking sight. We did a morning game drive and saw so much of God's gorgeous creation. We saw a leopard tracking an impala and within 100 feet we saw a lion kill. We were able to sit and watch the lion cubs at work. We ended our trip at the Khama Rhino reserve trying to finish up our Big 5 sightings...unfortunately the Rhinos were hiding really well. We did see one but from far away and in the bush. The trip was incredible and so much fun to enjoy it with our friends.
Saturday was the last or our sad goodbye as we put the Keelty's on the plane to the States. Our emotions have been on a rollercoaster but we are forever grateful for the experience.
Today was back to normal for the Shipes Family. Back to school, paying the bills, scheduling appointments, etc. Please pray for our family as we transition back to our "normal". Pray that we would dwell in the great memories we made and in the goodness of our Lord. Pray for the team that is coming from Alice Drive Baptist Church in July to run another Kids Camp in different village. Pray that God would begin to soften the hearts of Children there to recieve the good news of His Grace. Pray also for the fast approaching Pastor's & Children's Ministry Conference that will be held first week of August.
Thank you for reading, for your prayers, your love and your continued support of our ministry. Thanks be to God for giving refreshment to my soul ~ Ps 63:1 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."