Sitting here this morning Praising God for all He has done!! I am amazed that HE is able to use two ordinary, yet willing people to accomplish what HE has planned and purposed! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!” Eph 3:20-21
Join us in Celebrating His Work in our ministry and lives in Botswana ~ 2012:
January – We said our goodbyes and left our boy Hunter (for the 1st time) to return from our stateside visit on Jan 11th. We kept 3 sweet Missionary kids (Meredith, Micah & Peyton) for their parents to go to a Missions meeting for 2 weeks, started homeschooling Parker, and celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary.
February – Scott ran 4 weeks of training at the St. Peter’s Anglican Church, did teacher training at Believers Destiny Academy, we kept 2 more sweet girls for missionary friends of ours (Maddy & Myah), and Chandler went camping in the Central Kalahari with the Lions.
March – Ministered to a family we love as a part of “Remembering Wills”, Ran training in discipleship for 3 weeks at Desert Streams Fellowship, Scott preached at DSF, hosted the hors d'oeuvres for the MK prom, continued with 3 weeks of training at Believers Destiny Academy, did a weekend of training with Branch Ministries in Silibe Pikwe, Chandler and Scott were part of a hunting/purity retreat for Missionary kids – Chandler killed his 1st impala.
April – Celebrated Good Friday at Desert Streams Fellowship with a baptism service, Scott spent 10 days in Zambia leading a Children’s Ministry Conference, celebrated Chandler’s and my Birthday, and ended the month heading to the Okavango Delta to camp with friends (in Wild Botswana).
May – Scott led a weekend training in Francistown, we said goodbye to a great friend of the boys – Micah Davis – as he headed home for college, celebrated Parker’s 13th Birthday, led training at Growing Faith Church, welcomed my sister Felicia for a 2 week visit, welcomed and helped a team from Highland Baptist serving at GWest, welcomed our 1st intern of the summer – Drew.
June – We welcomed our dear friends the Keeltys who came to serve and vacation with us, We welcomed and served alongside our friends from Millbrook Baptist Church, did a week kids camp in Gakuto village with MBC, Keeltys, and Drew, went on a safari and to Victoria Falls with the Keeltys, celebrated Scott’s 50th Birthday and the twins 7th, welcomed our 2nd intern of the summer – Kayli, and said TOO MANY Goodbyes.
July – we did Sunday School leaders training at Open Baptist Church, welcomed a team from Alice Drive Baptist church, Ran 2 kids Camps in 1 week alongside the ADBC team (despite having the Flu), and welcomed our girl – Makenzie – back to Botswana.
August – traveled north to run a kids camp in Mosojane, led the 2nd annual Children’s ministry conference at Open Baptist Church, spent some precious family time with our girl, said goodbye to Kayli and Makenzie, and did 2 days of teacher training at The Learning Centre School.
September- Scott preached at Tati River Baptist in Francistown, we helped with the 20th Birthday celebration at The Learning Centre School, Scott spent 10 days in Zimbabwe serving with “Call to Africa” leading Children’s Ministry conferences in 3 different locations, kept Peyton and Meredith so their parents could go to a mission meeting, Chandler and Meredith starting dating, Chandler and I went to “Passion World Tour” in South Africa our friends, our family went camping at “Warm Baths” in South Africa, I became the leader of “W.O.W”(women of worth) ministry and had our 1st Bible Study, and Parker went back to school to start his 8th grade year.
October – Started “Hope for Gakuto” – spent my Saturdays in the village taking pictures and getting kids sponsored, Scott led Sunday School leaders training and preached at Tati River Baptist, welcomed Clay Smith our lead Pastor from ADBC, spent a week of ‘vision casting’ with Clay, hosted the 2nd ‘W.O.W.’ Bible Study, Scott preached at DSF and we kept some sweet MK’s again!
November- spent an afternoon of vision casting with guys from Johnson’s Ferry Baptist, shopped and packed gifts for ‘Hope for Gakuto’, Scott preached at Tati River Baptist in Francistown, hosted the “WOW” Christmas party and Bible Study at our house, went to Lobatse to help teach sewing to women that run an orphan care center, and hosted a surprise Birthday Party for a sweet young Missionary - Allison.
As we wrap up our 2nd year here – we will Host the ‘Hope for Gakuto’ Christmas Party on Saturday complete with Jumping Castle, Great Food, and Lots of Gifts and Smiles. We depart Botswana on the 20th to head home for holidays. We look forward to seeing our kids we miss so much and our families. We will see lots of friends and family and return to Botswana in January to continue the work God has called us too.
Please Praise God with us for what HE has done. We give all Glory to HIM!! We are thankful for the way HE works in and through us. Please continue to pray for our Next Step in our service to HIM. We love you all and are thankful for your part in our lives and ministry!! ~ Tonya
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I was blessed to work in Zimbabwe last week. Ken Galyean, with Call to Africa led a team from the U.S. and Gaborone, Botswana with Open Baptist Church as part of Close Connections. Ken brought his trusted side-kick, my friend, Clyde Watts from Oklahoma. They arrived a week earlier to work in village area near Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, a must see for anyone. Witnessing decisions made for Christ from was the best view for the team. We are reminded there is such a need to support the local pastors to disciple the new spiritual infants. When I met up with them they were not slowing down. They were a holding soccer (football) training camps in the local schools in Bulawayo.
In Zimbabwe as in Botswana, churches are allowed to go into schools to coach, pray, lead Bible studies and evangelize. It was interesting to listen to the school leaders worry about the other schools cheating to win. Tournaments in the past have been chaos because of it so there is no trust among the schools. Ken and Clyde assured them the games would be fair and in the spirit of good sportsman ship. I also met Ernie, a local hero from Bulawayo who played on the Zimbabwe International basketball team in his day, (he is 37 now) who is coaching young boys. He shared his vision to teach basic ball skills and plays with a focus to build their leadership through Christ. Ernie feels the players watch too much TV and play “street ball” with no regard to rules. He is praying for the opportunity to build sports based ministry in the schools of Bulawayo.
The team went to a local school to do an outreach. My job was to share the Gospel with them at the end of program. I was in my element I have to say. We had music, a puppet show and drama to share Jesus' message to them. I love watching the children as they marched in single file in their full uniforms with not a smile but blank face looking straight ahead. The teachers were the same, looking all serious and stern keeping t. I was not going to let that remain for long. Children kept coming and coming and coming to sit on a concrete slab in the hot sun to hear our message. There were nearly 750 children at this school. Within minutes we were cheering and shouting “Pepsi-Cola” and “Jesus Christ”, clapping and laughing. What can I say, caffeine and Jesus works for me in the morning. The rally team did their job and then I was able to share the Gospel. Like I said, I was in my element God helped me realize something that morning. The kids were paying attention and impacted by what they were seeing but even more, the teachers were moved and connected to what was happening. The stern looks faded away and laughter with big smiles replaced them. They felt relaxed and eager to hear what we were saying and sharing. When it was over and the children were heading back to their rooms in single file, I ran ahead and started shaking hands, high fiving, and fist pounding. As the passed I thanked them for their beautiful smiles and shared Jesus loves them. I cracked up when the teachers ran into the line to receive what I was sharing. I was able to thank them for their hard work and teaching these beautiful children. The joy on their faces to hear someone recognize their work and appreciated was outstanding. Teachers give great hugs when they are appreciated and I received some good ones. The rally team started doing it too and it was awesome to share the love of God in that school. The head master asked the church to come back again to encourage the children and teachers like they did today. Learning moment for me was as much as I love the children and reaching out to them, the greater impact was inspiring and encouraging the school leaders through Christ.
Ken had an amazing day on Saturday I have to share. He was invited to speak to some local pastors because the bishop to this group of pastors had a dream that frightened him. He dreamt he was leading his church flock to hell because of his teaching. I have to be upfront, by definition this group churches is a cult. They have a prophet over a church that tells them “divine inspiration from God” with no Bible. It is based on works. This bishop was afraid and wanted direction from someone concerning this dream. God used Ken in a mighty way. He spoke to over 40 prophets and pastors from the church about biblical truth and God's plan and grace. There was a mighty awakening to God’s Word and His Kingdom on that day. The bishop got it and began to weep. Out of 42 of them, only 2 had a Bible but all committed to preach the Word of God. OBC was able to provide an audio bible of the entire New Testament and 30 of Charles Stanley’s sermons from “In Touch Ministries”. Pray that local church leaders disciple and build these leaders for the Kingdom of God in truth from His Word.
I was also able to lead a one-day Children’s Leadership Training in Bulawayo as well. We had 41 leaders representing 9 churches in the area. It was a success in that they embraced the leadership principle to build and grow their children’s ministry with Passion, Attitude, Teamwork and Honor. The principle of reaching the mental, physical, spiritual and social aspects of children was new to them from a church perspective. They only focused on the mental and spiritual part of children. They understand it has to be balanced in all 4 areas and deliberate to reach the whole child for Christ. They cannot do it alone; they need the pastor’s support and the work of others to make it happen. Pray for these leaders as the recruit and develop leaders for their children.
The soccer tournament went will that day as well. No chaos, no cheating, just good sportsmanship. The gospel was shared and a desire for church leaders to help the schools use sports to minister to their students was overwhelming. I think Ernie maybe be busy in Bulawayo.
Next, we went to Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, for a larger scale conference with pastors and children’s leaders. We had 89 pastors and 19 children’s leaders registered. The thirst for the Word of God and the courage of the local church in Zimbabwe is nothing like I have ever seen or experienced. I came here thinking we were going teach at a slow pace but they wanted a full marathon. Run hard, run strong and run long would summarize their desire to learn best. It was way beyond my expectation and understanding of the church here. Their drive and desire to be soaked in the Word and truth is incredible. I see Kingdom minded vision and direction here. When you are immersed in something big like this, I mean God big like what I saw there, you know He answers prayers and cares for His Church. I think of Kathy Tucker of Aiken, SC who shared with me before we came here as missionaries, how she has been praying for Zimbabwe for years because of the oppression from it's political leaders. I witnessed her answered prayers as well. The church here is thriving and hungry.
With this blog I cannot close with out sharing a concern most of the pastors expressed to us about the local Church. The success of the church here does not come without temptation. There is great concern over prosperity gospel and African Traditional Worship distracting churches and pastors with blessings and bribes to the ancestors. TV pastors from Africa and USA showing the churches to ask for blessings and healings with little to no gospel is overwhelming. Pastors escorting in fine cars and led by men in dark suites and dark sunglasses. It is very appealing to churches with little or nothing. The standard theme with the ATW church is “God’s divine word revealed through ancestral and spiritual deities.” Teaching you can have Jesus and your ancestor Gods. Prophets say they have God’s word for the church and they keep a strong hold on the flock. In either practice, there is no grace, no Holy Spirit and no Jesus the Savior, just God and church leader, giving blessings and wealth to those who demand it or pay for it. Truth is diluted and distorted; people and churches are led astray. You see why the earlier comments about Ken's time with those pastors was such a God thing. Pray God will send leaders, teachers and pastors to address this battle and help the churches.
Thank you for taking time read my blog. Please pray for the requests I mentioned. Pray for Hunter and Makenzie while they are away from us at university. Pray for Chandler, Parker, Joe and Josh as they adjust to the last term for the school year. Pray for Tonya as she keeps they wild bunch together. We love all of you for your prayers and support.
Scott Shipes
In Zimbabwe as in Botswana, churches are allowed to go into schools to coach, pray, lead Bible studies and evangelize. It was interesting to listen to the school leaders worry about the other schools cheating to win. Tournaments in the past have been chaos because of it so there is no trust among the schools. Ken and Clyde assured them the games would be fair and in the spirit of good sportsman ship. I also met Ernie, a local hero from Bulawayo who played on the Zimbabwe International basketball team in his day, (he is 37 now) who is coaching young boys. He shared his vision to teach basic ball skills and plays with a focus to build their leadership through Christ. Ernie feels the players watch too much TV and play “street ball” with no regard to rules. He is praying for the opportunity to build sports based ministry in the schools of Bulawayo.
The team went to a local school to do an outreach. My job was to share the Gospel with them at the end of program. I was in my element I have to say. We had music, a puppet show and drama to share Jesus' message to them. I love watching the children as they marched in single file in their full uniforms with not a smile but blank face looking straight ahead. The teachers were the same, looking all serious and stern keeping t. I was not going to let that remain for long. Children kept coming and coming and coming to sit on a concrete slab in the hot sun to hear our message. There were nearly 750 children at this school. Within minutes we were cheering and shouting “Pepsi-Cola” and “Jesus Christ”, clapping and laughing. What can I say, caffeine and Jesus works for me in the morning. The rally team did their job and then I was able to share the Gospel. Like I said, I was in my element God helped me realize something that morning. The kids were paying attention and impacted by what they were seeing but even more, the teachers were moved and connected to what was happening. The stern looks faded away and laughter with big smiles replaced them. They felt relaxed and eager to hear what we were saying and sharing. When it was over and the children were heading back to their rooms in single file, I ran ahead and started shaking hands, high fiving, and fist pounding. As the passed I thanked them for their beautiful smiles and shared Jesus loves them. I cracked up when the teachers ran into the line to receive what I was sharing. I was able to thank them for their hard work and teaching these beautiful children. The joy on their faces to hear someone recognize their work and appreciated was outstanding. Teachers give great hugs when they are appreciated and I received some good ones. The rally team started doing it too and it was awesome to share the love of God in that school. The head master asked the church to come back again to encourage the children and teachers like they did today. Learning moment for me was as much as I love the children and reaching out to them, the greater impact was inspiring and encouraging the school leaders through Christ.
Ken had an amazing day on Saturday I have to share. He was invited to speak to some local pastors because the bishop to this group of pastors had a dream that frightened him. He dreamt he was leading his church flock to hell because of his teaching. I have to be upfront, by definition this group churches is a cult. They have a prophet over a church that tells them “divine inspiration from God” with no Bible. It is based on works. This bishop was afraid and wanted direction from someone concerning this dream. God used Ken in a mighty way. He spoke to over 40 prophets and pastors from the church about biblical truth and God's plan and grace. There was a mighty awakening to God’s Word and His Kingdom on that day. The bishop got it and began to weep. Out of 42 of them, only 2 had a Bible but all committed to preach the Word of God. OBC was able to provide an audio bible of the entire New Testament and 30 of Charles Stanley’s sermons from “In Touch Ministries”. Pray that local church leaders disciple and build these leaders for the Kingdom of God in truth from His Word.
I was also able to lead a one-day Children’s Leadership Training in Bulawayo as well. We had 41 leaders representing 9 churches in the area. It was a success in that they embraced the leadership principle to build and grow their children’s ministry with Passion, Attitude, Teamwork and Honor. The principle of reaching the mental, physical, spiritual and social aspects of children was new to them from a church perspective. They only focused on the mental and spiritual part of children. They understand it has to be balanced in all 4 areas and deliberate to reach the whole child for Christ. They cannot do it alone; they need the pastor’s support and the work of others to make it happen. Pray for these leaders as the recruit and develop leaders for their children.
The soccer tournament went will that day as well. No chaos, no cheating, just good sportsmanship. The gospel was shared and a desire for church leaders to help the schools use sports to minister to their students was overwhelming. I think Ernie maybe be busy in Bulawayo.
Next, we went to Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, for a larger scale conference with pastors and children’s leaders. We had 89 pastors and 19 children’s leaders registered. The thirst for the Word of God and the courage of the local church in Zimbabwe is nothing like I have ever seen or experienced. I came here thinking we were going teach at a slow pace but they wanted a full marathon. Run hard, run strong and run long would summarize their desire to learn best. It was way beyond my expectation and understanding of the church here. Their drive and desire to be soaked in the Word and truth is incredible. I see Kingdom minded vision and direction here. When you are immersed in something big like this, I mean God big like what I saw there, you know He answers prayers and cares for His Church. I think of Kathy Tucker of Aiken, SC who shared with me before we came here as missionaries, how she has been praying for Zimbabwe for years because of the oppression from it's political leaders. I witnessed her answered prayers as well. The church here is thriving and hungry.
With this blog I cannot close with out sharing a concern most of the pastors expressed to us about the local Church. The success of the church here does not come without temptation. There is great concern over prosperity gospel and African Traditional Worship distracting churches and pastors with blessings and bribes to the ancestors. TV pastors from Africa and USA showing the churches to ask for blessings and healings with little to no gospel is overwhelming. Pastors escorting in fine cars and led by men in dark suites and dark sunglasses. It is very appealing to churches with little or nothing. The standard theme with the ATW church is “God’s divine word revealed through ancestral and spiritual deities.” Teaching you can have Jesus and your ancestor Gods. Prophets say they have God’s word for the church and they keep a strong hold on the flock. In either practice, there is no grace, no Holy Spirit and no Jesus the Savior, just God and church leader, giving blessings and wealth to those who demand it or pay for it. Truth is diluted and distorted; people and churches are led astray. You see why the earlier comments about Ken's time with those pastors was such a God thing. Pray God will send leaders, teachers and pastors to address this battle and help the churches.
Thank you for taking time read my blog. Please pray for the requests I mentioned. Pray for Hunter and Makenzie while they are away from us at university. Pray for Chandler, Parker, Joe and Josh as they adjust to the last term for the school year. Pray for Tonya as she keeps they wild bunch together. We love all of you for your prayers and support.
Scott Shipes
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Whirlwind of our Winter!!
Sitting here in Awe of the fact that we have now lived in Botswana for 2 years. Reflecting on God's goodness to us!
We are coming out of our Winter in Botswana (Summer in USA) - It literally happens overnight here. We go from mild days and cold nights to HOT!! To say we were busy this winter wouldn't seem to do it justice. Since the arrival of my sister on May 23rd to putting Makenzie on the plane home on August 19th, we have had someone at our house the whole time. Although it can be very tiring to host so many, overall we love having people with us.
This Winter we hosted 4 Kids Camps in 4 different villages. We were the leaders of the Children's Ministry Conference held at Open Baptist Church in early August. We have hosted 2 college interns and 2 short-term mission teams. Thanks to the gifts of others we handed out over 75 Bibles this Winter alone, and assisted with the logistics, coordination and finally the delivery of the food packed in the states for orphaned and vulnerable children of Botswana. During all of this, we were bless to have vacation with friends from the states and have a wonderful 3-week visit with our Daughter. Just typing it all makes me say "whew"! We Praise God for His Strength that is made perfect in our weakness! Without Him none of this is possible!!
We posted earlier about our 1st Kids Camp in Gakuto alongside the Millbrook Baptist mission team. Our 2nd Mission team came in July from Alice Drive Baptist Church. It was neat to serve with our sending church (even though we only knew 2 of the 7 members). We got to know all of them very well during their 10 day stay. The ADBC team did 2 kids camps with us - one in the village of Molepolole and one in the city of Gaborone at the Learning Centre School. Despite having the full-blown flu in the house and among the team, we served over 400 kids that week and 14 young teen girls came to know Jesus as Savior. We praise God for His saving Grace!!
When Makenzie came we travelled north to the village of Mosojane to do a Kids Camp there. We had about 150 kids come each day. I always love serving with my own kids. Chandler ran Recreation, Scott did the Bible Teaching, Parker & Makenzie did Music, Kayli (summer intern) did crafts, and I was in charge of the 150+ PBJ sandwiches made each day! This is the 3rd time we have had a Kids Camp in Mosojane - so the kids are getting to know us. We are thankful for the Pastor and His Wife that minister to these kids on a weekly basis. We Praise God for His provisions!!
On the home front this winter we celebrated Josh & Joe's 7th Birthday, Scott welcomed the Big 50, the kids finished their second term of school, and Joe lost his first tooth. We praise God for His faithfulness to us!!
As the summer approaches we are preparing to start the last term of school and Scott is preparing for a long to trip to Zimbabwe. He will be traveling throughout the country doing kids camps and leading the 1st Children's Ministry Conference in Zimbabwe.
Please pray with us for the Conference in Zimbabwe, for traveling mercies for Scott, for the everyday life of the rest of us, for our kids in the States - Hunter started his freshman year at Charleston Southern and Makenzie started her senior year. Pray for us as we plan and prepare for the future of our ministry. We love you all and are grateful for your prayers, love and support.
We are coming out of our Winter in Botswana (Summer in USA) - It literally happens overnight here. We go from mild days and cold nights to HOT!! To say we were busy this winter wouldn't seem to do it justice. Since the arrival of my sister on May 23rd to putting Makenzie on the plane home on August 19th, we have had someone at our house the whole time. Although it can be very tiring to host so many, overall we love having people with us.
This Winter we hosted 4 Kids Camps in 4 different villages. We were the leaders of the Children's Ministry Conference held at Open Baptist Church in early August. We have hosted 2 college interns and 2 short-term mission teams. Thanks to the gifts of others we handed out over 75 Bibles this Winter alone, and assisted with the logistics, coordination and finally the delivery of the food packed in the states for orphaned and vulnerable children of Botswana. During all of this, we were bless to have vacation with friends from the states and have a wonderful 3-week visit with our Daughter. Just typing it all makes me say "whew"! We Praise God for His Strength that is made perfect in our weakness! Without Him none of this is possible!!
We posted earlier about our 1st Kids Camp in Gakuto alongside the Millbrook Baptist mission team. Our 2nd Mission team came in July from Alice Drive Baptist Church. It was neat to serve with our sending church (even though we only knew 2 of the 7 members). We got to know all of them very well during their 10 day stay. The ADBC team did 2 kids camps with us - one in the village of Molepolole and one in the city of Gaborone at the Learning Centre School. Despite having the full-blown flu in the house and among the team, we served over 400 kids that week and 14 young teen girls came to know Jesus as Savior. We praise God for His saving Grace!!
When Makenzie came we travelled north to the village of Mosojane to do a Kids Camp there. We had about 150 kids come each day. I always love serving with my own kids. Chandler ran Recreation, Scott did the Bible Teaching, Parker & Makenzie did Music, Kayli (summer intern) did crafts, and I was in charge of the 150+ PBJ sandwiches made each day! This is the 3rd time we have had a Kids Camp in Mosojane - so the kids are getting to know us. We are thankful for the Pastor and His Wife that minister to these kids on a weekly basis. We Praise God for His provisions!!
On the home front this winter we celebrated Josh & Joe's 7th Birthday, Scott welcomed the Big 50, the kids finished their second term of school, and Joe lost his first tooth. We praise God for His faithfulness to us!!
As the summer approaches we are preparing to start the last term of school and Scott is preparing for a long to trip to Zimbabwe. He will be traveling throughout the country doing kids camps and leading the 1st Children's Ministry Conference in Zimbabwe.
Please pray with us for the Conference in Zimbabwe, for traveling mercies for Scott, for the everyday life of the rest of us, for our kids in the States - Hunter started his freshman year at Charleston Southern and Makenzie started her senior year. Pray for us as we plan and prepare for the future of our ministry. We love you all and are grateful for your prayers, love and support.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Refreshment in the Desert
It's hard to describe the place I've been emotionally these past 6 months. We made it through the half way point of our 3 year commitment here in Botswana and I was feeling at an all-time low. I guess the best way for me to put it would be "Dry". Living in a dry desert gives me a new understanding of the word and I can especially relate it to my heart and soul. So, Although this past month has been extremely busy, it has been a refreshment to my "dry soul" and to the whole family.
I have never been so happy to see my sister, Felicia, than when she got off the airplane in Botswana. After having to cancel her plans to come last year due to her fight with Lymphoma, she and I kept our hearts guarded til the last minute about her ability to come this year. From the moment she got off the plane and until she got back on, the time we had together was no less than extraordinary. Although we didn't go anywhere special or do anything out of the ordinary just being together was awesome. I'm so thankful that she got to come taste, see, and experience life with me in Botswana. When she left, 20 days later, she told me it was better than she could have ever dreamed.

The week after Felicia arrived our Dear family friends, the Keelty's arrived. It was such a blessing to have them here. This family has been a huge part of our ministry from the very beginning. I remember very early on in the process of coming to Botswana wondering how God would make everything happen to get us here. About that time the Keelty's came for a visit in Sumter and left us with a gift that God had laid on their hearts to give. He used them to affirm His call and take away the doubts and questions we were having. To have them in Botswana almost 3 years later to see what God is doing here and to experience it first hand was an incredible blessing.
Two days after the Keelty's arrived the mission team from Millbrook Baptist Church arrived. To say I love that team is an understatement. The team consisted of 8 people (Felicia made 9 + 5 Keelty's = 14) - 6 of which had been on the team last year. The team were all people we know and love so it felt like a big family reunion.

We began our week of Kid's Camp (VBS) in Gakuto on Wednesday afternoon with a whopping 367 kids. Last year the number was 311 so we were all in shock at the increase - the craft team did a great job of coming up with more supplies to cover the surplus of children. The camp ran through Saturday with lots of fun, music, food, games, crafts and some "Sweet" Bible Lessons. The theme for the week was "GRACE" - getting something great that you don't deserve. It was incredible to see the children grasp the concept of grace by getting sweet things like cupcakes and candies that they didn't really win or deserve. To watch the team explain to them that the greatest and sweetest gift of all is Jesus Christ was amazing. The story of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son explained the need for everyone needing to be rescued and how much celebration there is when even one is found.

We finished the week on Sunday morning, worshipping with the kids and adults at Gakuto Baptist. Saying goodbye to the kids is never easy and this time was no exception. The pastor told us that the kids had been counting down the days for the Millbrook team to arrive and they would be counting down the months until they would return. The church shared that this team coming was the best thing that happens to them all year and they were very grateful for the investment into lives of the children. We cannot express how grateful we are for the impact Millbrook has had on Gakuto. To quote Scott, "Millbrook has made an impact in Africa, in a country called Botswana, in a village called Gakuto and in 387 children's lives. Grace was given to the least of these." To God be the Glory!!!

Not only did we serve together in Gakuto but we had church together every night at our house. What a sweet time of fellowship we shared as everyone recalled the events of the day and talked of what God was teaching them and how they felt about all of it. Closing every night with a circle of prayer - so much refreshment to our "desert dry" souls. It was during one of these precious times together that both Chandler and Parker shared from their hearts that they understand why we are in Botswana. After seeing them struggle so many days here it was a relief to see them both come to an understanding of God's will, not only in their parent's lives but in their lives as well. Praise be to God for answering our prayers.
Saying good-bye is the hardest thing we do - we love the hellos but we hate the good-byes. We took Felicia and the Millbrook Team to the airport early Monday morning and said all of our emotional goodbyes.
We were very thankful that Keelty's had another week and we were headed on vacation. We packed up and headed north to Kasane for a whirlwind safari. Our vacation started with "Grace - getting something great we didn't deserve". So like our Awesome God to arrange a "sweet treat" for us. The hotel we booked was being renovated so they moved us to a "bush camp". We stayed in luxury tents on stilts complete with our own chef and lighted water hole where the animals came to drink. We had a blast on a sunset cruise of the Chobe river. We experienced Victoria Falls at it's fullest- a breathtaking sight. We did a morning game drive and saw so much of God's gorgeous creation. We saw a leopard tracking an impala and within 100 feet we saw a lion kill. We were able to sit and watch the lion cubs at work. We ended our trip at the Khama Rhino reserve trying to finish up our Big 5 sightings...unfortunately the Rhinos were hiding really well. We did see one but from far away and in the bush. The trip was incredible and so much fun to enjoy it with our friends.

Saturday was the last or our sad goodbye as we put the Keelty's on the plane to the States. Our emotions have been on a rollercoaster but we are forever grateful for the experience.
Today was back to normal for the Shipes Family. Back to school, paying the bills, scheduling appointments, etc. Please pray for our family as we transition back to our "normal". Pray that we would dwell in the great memories we made and in the goodness of our Lord. Pray for the team that is coming from Alice Drive Baptist Church in July to run another Kids Camp in different village. Pray that God would begin to soften the hearts of Children there to recieve the good news of His Grace. Pray also for the fast approaching Pastor's & Children's Ministry Conference that will be held first week of August.
Thank you for reading, for your prayers, your love and your continued support of our ministry. Thanks be to God for giving refreshment to my soul ~ Ps 63:1 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
I have never been so happy to see my sister, Felicia, than when she got off the airplane in Botswana. After having to cancel her plans to come last year due to her fight with Lymphoma, she and I kept our hearts guarded til the last minute about her ability to come this year. From the moment she got off the plane and until she got back on, the time we had together was no less than extraordinary. Although we didn't go anywhere special or do anything out of the ordinary just being together was awesome. I'm so thankful that she got to come taste, see, and experience life with me in Botswana. When she left, 20 days later, she told me it was better than she could have ever dreamed.
The week after Felicia arrived our Dear family friends, the Keelty's arrived. It was such a blessing to have them here. This family has been a huge part of our ministry from the very beginning. I remember very early on in the process of coming to Botswana wondering how God would make everything happen to get us here. About that time the Keelty's came for a visit in Sumter and left us with a gift that God had laid on their hearts to give. He used them to affirm His call and take away the doubts and questions we were having. To have them in Botswana almost 3 years later to see what God is doing here and to experience it first hand was an incredible blessing.
Two days after the Keelty's arrived the mission team from Millbrook Baptist Church arrived. To say I love that team is an understatement. The team consisted of 8 people (Felicia made 9 + 5 Keelty's = 14) - 6 of which had been on the team last year. The team were all people we know and love so it felt like a big family reunion.
We began our week of Kid's Camp (VBS) in Gakuto on Wednesday afternoon with a whopping 367 kids. Last year the number was 311 so we were all in shock at the increase - the craft team did a great job of coming up with more supplies to cover the surplus of children. The camp ran through Saturday with lots of fun, music, food, games, crafts and some "Sweet" Bible Lessons. The theme for the week was "GRACE" - getting something great that you don't deserve. It was incredible to see the children grasp the concept of grace by getting sweet things like cupcakes and candies that they didn't really win or deserve. To watch the team explain to them that the greatest and sweetest gift of all is Jesus Christ was amazing. The story of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son explained the need for everyone needing to be rescued and how much celebration there is when even one is found.
We finished the week on Sunday morning, worshipping with the kids and adults at Gakuto Baptist. Saying goodbye to the kids is never easy and this time was no exception. The pastor told us that the kids had been counting down the days for the Millbrook team to arrive and they would be counting down the months until they would return. The church shared that this team coming was the best thing that happens to them all year and they were very grateful for the investment into lives of the children. We cannot express how grateful we are for the impact Millbrook has had on Gakuto. To quote Scott, "Millbrook has made an impact in Africa, in a country called Botswana, in a village called Gakuto and in 387 children's lives. Grace was given to the least of these." To God be the Glory!!!
Not only did we serve together in Gakuto but we had church together every night at our house. What a sweet time of fellowship we shared as everyone recalled the events of the day and talked of what God was teaching them and how they felt about all of it. Closing every night with a circle of prayer - so much refreshment to our "desert dry" souls. It was during one of these precious times together that both Chandler and Parker shared from their hearts that they understand why we are in Botswana. After seeing them struggle so many days here it was a relief to see them both come to an understanding of God's will, not only in their parent's lives but in their lives as well. Praise be to God for answering our prayers.
Saying good-bye is the hardest thing we do - we love the hellos but we hate the good-byes. We took Felicia and the Millbrook Team to the airport early Monday morning and said all of our emotional goodbyes.
We were very thankful that Keelty's had another week and we were headed on vacation. We packed up and headed north to Kasane for a whirlwind safari. Our vacation started with "Grace - getting something great we didn't deserve". So like our Awesome God to arrange a "sweet treat" for us. The hotel we booked was being renovated so they moved us to a "bush camp". We stayed in luxury tents on stilts complete with our own chef and lighted water hole where the animals came to drink. We had a blast on a sunset cruise of the Chobe river. We experienced Victoria Falls at it's fullest- a breathtaking sight. We did a morning game drive and saw so much of God's gorgeous creation. We saw a leopard tracking an impala and within 100 feet we saw a lion kill. We were able to sit and watch the lion cubs at work. We ended our trip at the Khama Rhino reserve trying to finish up our Big 5 sightings...unfortunately the Rhinos were hiding really well. We did see one but from far away and in the bush. The trip was incredible and so much fun to enjoy it with our friends.
Saturday was the last or our sad goodbye as we put the Keelty's on the plane to the States. Our emotions have been on a rollercoaster but we are forever grateful for the experience.
Today was back to normal for the Shipes Family. Back to school, paying the bills, scheduling appointments, etc. Please pray for our family as we transition back to our "normal". Pray that we would dwell in the great memories we made and in the goodness of our Lord. Pray for the team that is coming from Alice Drive Baptist Church in July to run another Kids Camp in different village. Pray that God would begin to soften the hearts of Children there to recieve the good news of His Grace. Pray also for the fast approaching Pastor's & Children's Ministry Conference that will be held first week of August.
Thank you for reading, for your prayers, your love and your continued support of our ministry. Thanks be to God for giving refreshment to my soul ~ Ps 63:1 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Blessing in the North
I had a God moment to share before I go into my recent training. I was contacted by a man who was working here for a few weeks for the government as a contractor. He is from Bluffton, SC and elated to know there was some "home folk" and a family he could connect with while he was here in Botswana. Chris Carter was such a joy for me as well. I got to hear about his life in SC and see how God is using him with the people he is working with here. He was looking for a church to attend and I took him to Open Baptist Church with me. I was sharing my Zambia trip to the congregation that Sunday so the message was about missions. Pastor Norman Sheaffer did a wonderful job challenging the church and us about the life of a church is missions. Without missions, a church is not living the life Christ wants us to live.
Tonya, Chandler and Parker were in the bush on a safari with friends. I was glad they got to see the heart of Botswana and share on facebook the adventure. The twins had to stay back because the look too much like food to lions. Little do they know they are more a stomach ache instead of a nice meal. Just kidding. They sat so well for Mr. Chris. Josh said he liked church when Mr. Chris was there because Joe behaved. The church was interested and joyful of the work we did in Zambia.
We had great training this week in Francistown with the Anglican Church of Botswana. If you remember, I held a training session with them in Gaborone in March. They were so pleased with the work that I was asked to go to the Northeast area and train 5 churches in that area. I love working with others helping them catch the vision of reaching children by developing children leaders. So many churches are faced with losing the next generation because as children grow older into teens and adults they do not get involved in church. The modern church is children and older people, nothing in between. I was asked to bring energy into their church. If you know me, energy showed up.
When I arrived at the church, there was a college age woman waiting for us. She introduced herself and began to tell me why she was there. She is a student at University of Botswana in Gaborone and just arrived home from school. She had been praying about what she should be doing to serve God and where that would be. On Saturday night her father told her to pray and God will help her know His plans. Then she said went to church and a pastor shared about a mission trip to Zambia he just went on working with children and how amazing it was for everyone. I knew right then that is what I wanted to do so I called me dad when I got home. He told me our church in Francistown was having training for children's leaders so that is why I am here this morning. "Hey, what a minute! You are the Pastor! Wow! God sent you to encourage me and now He sent you to teach me." How amazing. I was so pumped up about what God was putting together.
Well, the training just got better from there. We had 17 attend. 10 could not make it at the last minute so I was a little bummed out at first. There was so much energy and passion about the children not only in their church but in their community. They wanted to know how to get the church involved with children outside the church. We played games, laughed and put ourselves in a mindset of children and what is important to them to reach them. We were all blown away with the ideas and plans that came out of our meeting. When the training was over, one by one they expressed how well they were equipped and confirmed they were ready for the task.
Pray for the church leadership to embrace their desire to grow the ministry beyond their 4 walls. Pray for them as they put in practice teaching with only a Bible and using an organized schedule for the children. Pray as we plan for training at other Anglican churches in Botswana. Also a special prayer request for their school here for orphans lost a major supporter for food. Pray God will help them see how He will provide for the 114 children.
Our childrens' ministry kicks in full gear next week. We are expecting a team from Aiken, SC to go back to Gakuto and work with the church and school reaching the children about God's Grace. Pray for their safety traveling and time here. We visited the school and they are so ready for us to come back and share with the children. Pray the kingdom is growing through the children of Gakuto.
Tonya, Chandler and Parker were in the bush on a safari with friends. I was glad they got to see the heart of Botswana and share on facebook the adventure. The twins had to stay back because the look too much like food to lions. Little do they know they are more a stomach ache instead of a nice meal. Just kidding. They sat so well for Mr. Chris. Josh said he liked church when Mr. Chris was there because Joe behaved. The church was interested and joyful of the work we did in Zambia.
We had great training this week in Francistown with the Anglican Church of Botswana. If you remember, I held a training session with them in Gaborone in March. They were so pleased with the work that I was asked to go to the Northeast area and train 5 churches in that area. I love working with others helping them catch the vision of reaching children by developing children leaders. So many churches are faced with losing the next generation because as children grow older into teens and adults they do not get involved in church. The modern church is children and older people, nothing in between. I was asked to bring energy into their church. If you know me, energy showed up.
When I arrived at the church, there was a college age woman waiting for us. She introduced herself and began to tell me why she was there. She is a student at University of Botswana in Gaborone and just arrived home from school. She had been praying about what she should be doing to serve God and where that would be. On Saturday night her father told her to pray and God will help her know His plans. Then she said went to church and a pastor shared about a mission trip to Zambia he just went on working with children and how amazing it was for everyone. I knew right then that is what I wanted to do so I called me dad when I got home. He told me our church in Francistown was having training for children's leaders so that is why I am here this morning. "Hey, what a minute! You are the Pastor! Wow! God sent you to encourage me and now He sent you to teach me." How amazing. I was so pumped up about what God was putting together.
Well, the training just got better from there. We had 17 attend. 10 could not make it at the last minute so I was a little bummed out at first. There was so much energy and passion about the children not only in their church but in their community. They wanted to know how to get the church involved with children outside the church. We played games, laughed and put ourselves in a mindset of children and what is important to them to reach them. We were all blown away with the ideas and plans that came out of our meeting. When the training was over, one by one they expressed how well they were equipped and confirmed they were ready for the task.
Pray for the church leadership to embrace their desire to grow the ministry beyond their 4 walls. Pray for them as they put in practice teaching with only a Bible and using an organized schedule for the children. Pray as we plan for training at other Anglican churches in Botswana. Also a special prayer request for their school here for orphans lost a major supporter for food. Pray God will help them see how He will provide for the 114 children.
Our childrens' ministry kicks in full gear next week. We are expecting a team from Aiken, SC to go back to Gakuto and work with the church and school reaching the children about God's Grace. Pray for their safety traveling and time here. We visited the school and they are so ready for us to come back and share with the children. Pray the kingdom is growing through the children of Gakuto.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Where Have You Been Scotty?
First, I would like to apologize for such a long time between posts. I have no idea what happened to time and life that would prevent us from posting anything these past five weeks. But the busyness has blocked us none the less. Here is where I have been.
We had a Saturday training at OBC, our second in the series. They have a great curriculum and wonderful volunteers teaching the children. Teaching moment for them was taking the lesson and putting it to action for the children. Great turn out of about 25 people. Looking forward to the next session on children's discipleship.
I spent time training in the village of Selebi-Phikwe in the Northeast area. We did the next step in teaching with just a bible and they got it. Such a desire to open God's Word to children and using it to teach them direction for their life. I had someone from Kings Foundation with me to help train community outreach for the churches and provide them with a BaSE kit they offer for ministry. This training and kit will reach 500 children in the village. In the photo of the children, there were 388 jammed next to one another feeding each other after a bible story and prayer. It was like watching the feeding of the multitude breaking bread and passing it along.
When I got back to Gaborone, Chandler and I went on a father/son hunting trip. We had a chance for some leaders to talk about God's design for relationships. It was a great time of focusing on Chan. It was neat for me to have a time of hearing what he learned about God's design for his life. Chan got his first kill, a nice size impala 130 yards away drop shot. Worse part of the trip was Chan got tick bite fever and was pretty sick. Meds got him back to health. Such a great time together, I love that boy! He always knows how to make me smile and laugh.
We celebrated our first Easter here and Tonya's __ birthday. Our dear friends from Mosojane came to visit with their children. The Easter bunny has arrived in Africa! We went to an Easter egg hunt at the embassy grounds. We celebrated Good Friday with 7 baptisms at Desert Stream Fellowship. Easter was a great celebration and spent eating with friends. For Tonya's birthday along with our friends, the Barker family, we had red-velvet cake and mexican food (our favorite). When we got home, we had a multiple Skype session with Makenzie and Hunter. It was a lovely day for momma and daddy was glad God arranged it.
Then it was Xtreme Camp at Desert Stream Fellowship for the youth in the area. I got the chance to have fun on Saturday with the smaller kids. We used the BaSE kit provided to me from Kings Foundation and it was like Christmas. The colorful game props and 5m parachute was just the thing for them. They did not want it to end. We played "wolf" and "cat and mouse" - they were the favorite games. Also, I had the chance to see Chandler play his electric guitar for the worship team during the week. He did a great job. I also helped council the youth as they made "next step" decisions for Christ. Such a thirst for God here for the young people. The workers are few to disciple so many young people.
Then it was off to Kabwe, Zambia. Open Baptist Church (our receiving church here) has a mission point here. Every April they conduct a pastor's conference and allowed me to come along and teach the children's workers. All I can say is "WOW" and "Go God"! It was a great time for me to see how churches and communities without children's ministry are struggling. There were 14 bars within 1/2 km of the church we were at and children were all outside of them waiting on someone or just all in the streets. I had 27 leaders who worked with children or had and interest. When the sessions were over, every one of them committed to service in Children's work. Seven of them were not doing anything with church and said without hesitation, "I want to change the next generation, I want to teach children." I trained and gave them a BaSE kit as well and we had a kids Game Afternoon as well with 63 kids, 5-14 years old. One child said, "It was the greatest day of my life. We've never had something like this before. Please come back." Thanks to Kings Foundation for the kit and training, they can now have it every week. The vision for our ministry allowed me to reach 7 different churches in the area impacting over 2,000 children. I had no idea before we got there, God knew!
Closing, I just want to say, "I have been BUSY!" On a personal note, I would like to share as much a joy this side of the ministry is for us the other side is hard, very hard. The impact on our family living on two continents frankly, stinks! There are days when your children need momma no matter how old they get and she can not hold or help them. Sometimes, even daddy needs a chance to talk with them about what is going on with their lives. Not being there for them pulls at you in places you can not describe nor explain. On top of that, missing life moments like high school graduation and settling your child into college - it's painful. Truth is: we plain out MISS THEM!!! In this world, everything goes fast and vanishes quickly waiting for the next thing to happen. No time to soak it in or hold on to it. We have to keep moving, no matter how much rest you take, you can not stay there for long.
The ministry has mainly been me going away teaching while Tonya stays behind with kids, which makes the distance hard as well. The distance apart does not get shorter no matter how good the technology is out there. We pray daily that our children will not become angry at God or resist Him because of the impact this has made on them. We pray they will know Him because of what they experienced and obey His plan for their lives and not turn a deaf ear to Him. I guess the silence of 5 weeks is me not wanting to rejoice in what God is doing with our ministry because of the impact on our family is not always so joyful. We knew this going in but had not idea how to picture the sacrifice until we laid it on the alter and trusted God with it. I never knew how great and hard it would feel letting Him use it. Please join us in praying as we try to celebrate what God is doing and still mourn what we are missing!
We had a Saturday training at OBC, our second in the series. They have a great curriculum and wonderful volunteers teaching the children. Teaching moment for them was taking the lesson and putting it to action for the children. Great turn out of about 25 people. Looking forward to the next session on children's discipleship.
I spent time training in the village of Selebi-Phikwe in the Northeast area. We did the next step in teaching with just a bible and they got it. Such a desire to open God's Word to children and using it to teach them direction for their life. I had someone from Kings Foundation with me to help train community outreach for the churches and provide them with a BaSE kit they offer for ministry. This training and kit will reach 500 children in the village. In the photo of the children, there were 388 jammed next to one another feeding each other after a bible story and prayer. It was like watching the feeding of the multitude breaking bread and passing it along.
When I got back to Gaborone, Chandler and I went on a father/son hunting trip. We had a chance for some leaders to talk about God's design for relationships. It was a great time of focusing on Chan. It was neat for me to have a time of hearing what he learned about God's design for his life. Chan got his first kill, a nice size impala 130 yards away drop shot. Worse part of the trip was Chan got tick bite fever and was pretty sick. Meds got him back to health. Such a great time together, I love that boy! He always knows how to make me smile and laugh.
We celebrated our first Easter here and Tonya's __ birthday. Our dear friends from Mosojane came to visit with their children. The Easter bunny has arrived in Africa! We went to an Easter egg hunt at the embassy grounds. We celebrated Good Friday with 7 baptisms at Desert Stream Fellowship. Easter was a great celebration and spent eating with friends. For Tonya's birthday along with our friends, the Barker family, we had red-velvet cake and mexican food (our favorite). When we got home, we had a multiple Skype session with Makenzie and Hunter. It was a lovely day for momma and daddy was glad God arranged it.
Then it was Xtreme Camp at Desert Stream Fellowship for the youth in the area. I got the chance to have fun on Saturday with the smaller kids. We used the BaSE kit provided to me from Kings Foundation and it was like Christmas. The colorful game props and 5m parachute was just the thing for them. They did not want it to end. We played "wolf" and "cat and mouse" - they were the favorite games. Also, I had the chance to see Chandler play his electric guitar for the worship team during the week. He did a great job. I also helped council the youth as they made "next step" decisions for Christ. Such a thirst for God here for the young people. The workers are few to disciple so many young people.
Then it was off to Kabwe, Zambia. Open Baptist Church (our receiving church here) has a mission point here. Every April they conduct a pastor's conference and allowed me to come along and teach the children's workers. All I can say is "WOW" and "Go God"! It was a great time for me to see how churches and communities without children's ministry are struggling. There were 14 bars within 1/2 km of the church we were at and children were all outside of them waiting on someone or just all in the streets. I had 27 leaders who worked with children or had and interest. When the sessions were over, every one of them committed to service in Children's work. Seven of them were not doing anything with church and said without hesitation, "I want to change the next generation, I want to teach children." I trained and gave them a BaSE kit as well and we had a kids Game Afternoon as well with 63 kids, 5-14 years old. One child said, "It was the greatest day of my life. We've never had something like this before. Please come back." Thanks to Kings Foundation for the kit and training, they can now have it every week. The vision for our ministry allowed me to reach 7 different churches in the area impacting over 2,000 children. I had no idea before we got there, God knew!
Closing, I just want to say, "I have been BUSY!" On a personal note, I would like to share as much a joy this side of the ministry is for us the other side is hard, very hard. The impact on our family living on two continents frankly, stinks! There are days when your children need momma no matter how old they get and she can not hold or help them. Sometimes, even daddy needs a chance to talk with them about what is going on with their lives. Not being there for them pulls at you in places you can not describe nor explain. On top of that, missing life moments like high school graduation and settling your child into college - it's painful. Truth is: we plain out MISS THEM!!! In this world, everything goes fast and vanishes quickly waiting for the next thing to happen. No time to soak it in or hold on to it. We have to keep moving, no matter how much rest you take, you can not stay there for long.
The ministry has mainly been me going away teaching while Tonya stays behind with kids, which makes the distance hard as well. The distance apart does not get shorter no matter how good the technology is out there. We pray daily that our children will not become angry at God or resist Him because of the impact this has made on them. We pray they will know Him because of what they experienced and obey His plan for their lives and not turn a deaf ear to Him. I guess the silence of 5 weeks is me not wanting to rejoice in what God is doing with our ministry because of the impact on our family is not always so joyful. We knew this going in but had not idea how to picture the sacrifice until we laid it on the alter and trusted God with it. I never knew how great and hard it would feel letting Him use it. Please join us in praying as we try to celebrate what God is doing and still mourn what we are missing!
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